Christians World of Awesome

my awesome pet-peeves (sp?)
October 25, 2009, 6:59 pm
Filed under: 1

If I am out to eat at a restaurant and I am drinking a soda… and I get a refill… and you don’t refill my ice as well…. you will hear about it. C’mon people… new soda=new ice.

grown men (or women.. but it’s usually men) who still chew with their mouth open. It makes me sick.

people who tie their shoes in two loops and then tie… rather than the loop, swoop, and pull method. If your not sure what I am talking about… come ask me and ill be happy to show you.


people (and it usually tends to be the freshman in the class) who continually talk in class while the professor is lecturing. I honestly don’t get… and I wish i could just throw my shoe at them.

other than this… I love you all.

7 Comments so far
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You are the best blogger out there Christian………….

Comment by Cindy Ostrom

Forgot to leave my pet peeves, so here goes……………

Anyone who slows down for a green light
Anyone who spits on the sidewalk
Men who do not hold the door open for women
Rude/unfriendly customer service employees
Gossip………back stabbers!

The list goes on and on! he he

Comment by Cindy Ostrom

1. people who wear sweats/pajamas in public… seriously- it only takes 2 seconds to put on a pair of jeans and sweatshirt if you’re that lazy…

2. people who scrape their fork/spoon/knife when they’re eating. grosses me out/makes me cringe/makes me gag

3. girls who don’t take their makeup off at night and then wake up and just add more makeup/mascara to their face (seriously…eww. and they come and ask me at work why they have bad skin?!!)

4. people who talk in class while a prof is talking —but also… i hate when kids raise their hand and talk the entire time.. giving their opinion… im not paying over 100.00 $$ a class session to listen to kids talk. im paying over 100.00 a session to listen to a professor/doctor teach me.

5. people with gnar gnar breath

6. people that think theyre better than other people, and go out of their way to make you feel it too…

7. when a woman talks down/disrespects a man/husband/boyfriend/friend in public. it not only stresses me out, i hate it and feel so bad for the guy.

ok. thats enough for now… but i seriously could go on and on.. haaa

Comment by kate

1. people with tattoos
2. basketball players
3. junior high youth pastors
4. hipsters
5. people who spend hours in coffee shops
6. people who love rain

Comment by andrew

oh andrew…

Comment by melodie

I love the rain and I love spending hours in coffee shops if time permits, but I love spending time in coffee shops while it is raining…

Comment by cory

I say, let the shoes fly!!

Comment by jessica

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